Friday, October 08, 2010


Oh crap. The surgery I wrote about below did not go as expected. When they opened me up they found out the benign tumor was not. Miraculously, the gynocological oncologist who is only in the hospital once a week was there. They found her to finish the surgery. After five hours of emergency surgery and two pints of blood they sewed me back up.

It appears I have a rare form of uterine cancer. Something called Leiomyosarcoma. It means (roughly translated) "benign fibroid that decides to turn into cancer". One in a million or something.

Having gotten Lilly through this with her rare cancer eight years ago we are beyond devastated. How on earth do two people from one family have rare cancers? I eat blueberries. I do yoga. I don't use pesticides. I don't even use weed killer for God's sake. But there you have it.

I am only going to write about this once here on this blog and then I want to return to writing about other things. If you would like to follow my medical progress, you are free to do so at my Caringbridge website

In my neighborhood when someone is in trouble the women rally like an army with meals. The afflicted family puts a cooler at the back door which is filled on a regular basis. The cooler is there so no one has to greet the food giver and try to make small talk which can be exhausting.

No one wants to be the one with the cooler at the back door.

Jeff and I will be traveling to Boston in a week or so to see the specialists for this thing I have. I'll let you know by Caringbridge what we find out. Though they caught this early, treatment is likely as it is aggressive.

This thing is aggressive and rare. Just like me.


  1. Oh, Judy! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Where the hell do you get the idea you are aggressive?
    Well ok, if someone makes a point of not accepting the fact that he or she has a really stupid opinion about something, but a part from that...
    But you are rare, that's for sure.

  3. Judy, I am so sorry to hear this--just as you and I so freshly reconnected. Good luck and good care with the treatment and recovery. I think cancer has pervaded every family, but the double incursion does seem unjustly trying.

  4. This "Post a Comment" box has been in front of me for a few minutes now as I try to decide how to tell you that I'm praying for you in Iowa without sounding trite with the enormity of what's before you and your family again. I have no doubt those previous experiences made you aware of your super powers. Those powers and your "aggressive" nature or genetics (I'm familiar with the family line, you know.), will get you through this. In addition, you have my prayers working for you in Iowa.
    Love, Elaine

  5. Judy,
    Even though we never met, I feel like I know you from following your blog and sharing your love of words. This is one of those time where words fail me and nothing I write can erase the anxiety and pain and uncertainty about your diagnosis. May you gain strength from the positive thoughts and prayers of friends and family from all corners of the world. Pat

  6. Judy,
    I am very sorry that the nasty c disease (and I refuse to give it a capital) is invading your family again. I pray that God's grace may envelope you and your family during this difficult time and may His healing powers surround you. May it be comforting to know your much extended family is praying for you daily. I hope you can feel the love.
    Your cousin Joette (the one with the go-go boots)
